My inspirations : April 2019

April has been one crazy month for me, with the end of the school year coming soon the end of high school is in sight for me! Even though I’ve had a pretty interesting month I’m having a hard time mustering any sort of inspiration at all.

I guess the only real thing I’ve really been inspired by as of late has been the city, and by the city I really mean downtown. The break gave me tons of time to explore the city from perspectives I had never really seen before. I’ve been in and around the downtown area all break seeing all the nooks and crannies that I haven’t personally seen.

in design studies the other day we were watching a video about all the older architecture from ages ago. It’s interesting to see what sort of things these structures have been through and who lived or occupied them. Sometimes I like to think about these people; how they went about there day how they would wake up to the same sun that I do.

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